Increase of Whales washed ashore in Ghana

Increase of Whales washed ashore in Ghana

In recent times, several whales have been washed ashore dead on Ghana’s beaches. The first week of September 2013, a whale was washed up at the coast of Nkontompo near Sekondi in the Western Region. This was the fifth whale that washed ashore in the same week. The...
Akim Takyimang Sacred Grove Protection I & II

Akim Takyimang Sacred Grove Protection I & II

The Akim Takyimang Sacred Grove Protection project supported by the Netherlands Committee of the World Conservation Union (NC-IUCN) between 1997-1999. Akim Takyimang is a village in the Kwaebibirim District of the Eastern Region. The sacred grove has been the only...
Policy Dialogue on Oil and Gas Governance

Policy Dialogue on Oil and Gas Governance

The development of a country’s natural resources should be designed to secure the greatest social and economic benefit for its people without compromising on environmental sustainability. This requires a comprehensive approach in which government, civil society and...