Who we Are

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Friends of  the Nation(FoN)

Friends of the Nation (FoN), established in 1993, is a registered socio-environmental advocacy, non-governmental development-oriented Organization based in Adiembra in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis of the Western Region of Ghana.  Incorporated in Ghana as a company limited by guarantee, FoN received a Certificate of Incorporation from the Registrar General’s Department and that of a Non-Profit Non-State Organization from the Department of Social Welfare in March 1994.

FoN works in coastal, forest, transitional and savannah regions and the mining hubs of Ghana. FoN advocates for rights-based inclusive and accountable natural resources and environmental governance systems and campaigns for sustainable Climate-Smart ecosystems and wise use of natural assets.  

With targeted campaigns, FoN aims to strengthen the voice of peoples, communities, and groups to enhance active citizenship and dialogue as well as facilitate open governance, improved and quality services and responsiveness of Institutions, service providers and Industry for healthier and resilient societies.

Friends of the Nation (FoN) envisions the management of the environment in a sustainable and healthy manner with equal access to and use of natural resources by communities.

FoN advocates and initiates vibrant campaigns on environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources, builds and strengthen the capacities of peoples, local communities and institutions and networks with diverse organizations locally and globally. In addition, the organization undertakes and disseminates excellent research and knowledge transfer to facilitate actions and inform campaigns.


  • Participation

    FoN believes in a people-centered development and a rights-based advocacy that involves and enables inclusivity in our actions. We consider diverse perspectives, and we consciously mainstream those perspectives in our works.

  • Accountability

    FoN is accountable to all stakeholders and society at large. Our works and records are open to the scrutiny of the public, especially through our actions and with proper regard for the confidentiality of private information

  • Gender Inclusivity

    FoN abhors discrimination in all forms particularly based on sex, gender and social identity and we guarantee and offer equal opportunity for both male and female in any endeavour. We treat one another with respect for oneself in the affirmation that unless Everyone does that, society cannot flourish.

  • Self-reliance

    FoN is self-reliant and we maintain our independence and focus on the vision of the organization.