PIAC Report
Towards realising greater transparency, accountability and citizens’ oversight in management of Ghana’s petroleum revenues, the Public Interest and Accountability Committee (PIAC) was established under Section 51 of the Petroleum Revenue Management Act, 2011, Act 815...
National Level Advocacy on Marine Pollution and Petroleum Exploration & Production Bill
Ghana discovered oil and gas in commercial quantities in 2007. This discovery is one of the largest ones in the last decade, and the largest in Africa with regards to recent discoveries of oil and gas. As much as Ghana’s oil and gas production is expected to come with...
National Editors Forum on the Marine Pollution and Petroleum Exploration & Production Bill
Friends of the Nation (FoN), together with Centre for Public Interest Law (CEPIL), Africa Center for Energy Policy (ACEP), and Ghana National Canoe Fisherman Council (GNCFC), with support from STAR-Ghana (Strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Responsiveness...