Communities plan their own development actions to address coastal resources management and climate change issues
“He who feels it, knows it.” This phrase aptly describes a situation that community-led development planning is facing nowadays: the competition for resources is stiff, and the demand for utilization is increasing by the day. Therefore socio-development planning...
FoN supports Validation of Shama’s Development Plan
The Shama District Assembly held a forum to validate its District Medium Term Development Plan (DMTDP, 2014-2017). With the support of STAR-Ghana (Strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Responsiveness in Ghana), the Assembly collaborated with Friends of the...
National Editors Forum on the Marine Pollution and Petroleum Exploration & Production Bill
Friends of the Nation (FoN), together with Centre for Public Interest Law (CEPIL), Africa Center for Energy Policy (ACEP), and Ghana National Canoe Fisherman Council (GNCFC), with support from STAR-Ghana (Strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Responsiveness...