FoN supports Women Entrepreneurs to explore opportunities in oil and gas sector
Friends of the Nation in partnership with Oxfam in Ghana, the Center for Public Interest Law and supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) have organized a two-day training for women entrepreneurs in the western region. The aim is to...
WEACT supports cocoa growing communities to fight COVID-19
Friends of the Nation under the Women Economic Advancement for Collective Transformation [WEACT] project embarked on distribution of COVID-19 preventive items to cocoa growing communities in the Western and Western North Regions. The items were to help the communities...
Preparing multi-crop thresher operators ahead of the harvesting season
One of the objectives of the EU funded ReDIAL project is to train the youth in the five project zones to operate the multi-crop threshers developed locally by SAYeTECH to thresh grains and cereals of marginalized farmers. Ahead of the 2021 major crop harvesting...
Progress on commitment on improving women’s participation in the ASM sector
In February this year, Friends of the Nation [FoN], with support from Oxfam in Ghana and Ford Foundation held a roundtable conversation with women in the Artisanal Small-scale mining in Ghana. Find attached the progress on committment in improving women’s...