Minamata Convention on Mercury
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Minamata Convention on Mercury
This project seeks to contribute to the preparation, ratification and implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury in Ghana. It is focused on facilitating stakeholder consultations to gather inputs for the development of the National Action Plan under the Minamata Convention. This initiative is part of the African Caribbean Pacific Multilateral Environmental Agreements Phase 2 (ACP/MEAs 2) project funded by the European Commission and implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations via the European Environmental Bureau/Zero Mercury Working Group (EEB/ZMWG).
FoN’s role among others is to:
- Establish contacts with the ministries, the relevant agencies and stakeholders relevant to Artisanal & Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) and carry out bilateral meetings.
- Organise and conduct consultations with government ministry officials and other stakeholders as well as initial research on the ASGM sector, and produce consultation summaries.
- Facilitate regular meetings of a stakeholder group, host a midterm drafting meeting of the ASGM working group, and create a draft National Action Plan that will serve as the basis of intensive engagement and vetting with key mining communities.
- Identify key common elements from the ASGM NAPs for the selected countries, and in using those elements to develop a “model” national action plan format and content recommendations.